About me

I'm Osman

a college student who has found new passion in DSA and leetcoding. Passionate about implementing and launching new projects. I love creating attractive and interactive websites using react JS. i convert caffeine into code. Also love cycling and travelling the world (when the money comes ofc).

My Projects

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

My skills in HTML, CSS and Javascript completes me as a frontend developer and I use PHP for backend development, this makes me a full stack web developer. Apart from web developmnet, my skills include problem solving in C++. Experienced in most DSA concepts and recently started doing Competetive Programming!
Currently I am a Electronics&Telecommunication undergrad from Jadavpur University with an overall cgpa of 8.0.

C++ 90%
Web Development 80%
DSA 80%
OS 60%
PHP 90%